PuTTY wish term-clear-scrollback
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summary: Server-controlled clearing of the scrollback
class: wish: This is a request for an enhancement.
difficulty: fun: Just needs tuits, and not many of them.
priority: low: We aren't sure whether to fix this or not.
fixed-in: r6847 2006-09-06 (0.59) (0.60) (0.61) (0.62) (0.63)
It would sometimes be nice to be able to clear PuTTY's scrollback from
the server (via an escape sequence). Example applications:
- Terminal locking software (e.g. screen's C-a C-x) could
issue this escape sequence.
- If a lot of output is generated it makes use of the scrollback as
a poor man's less easier.
Recent versions of xterm
use an extension to ED to do
this, in the form of CSI 3
. We could do
the same.
- For avoidance of doubt, this sequence only clears the
scrollback in xterm - it doesn't have any other effect.
(It was added to Thomas Dickey's
patch 107;
it is documented in ctlseqs.ms
as "Erase Saved Lines
- Update, 2006-09-06: this sequence is implemented in
PuTTY as of today's snapshot.
It's been suggested that screen clears could do this. If so, it would
have to be configurable, and disabled by default.
Audit trail for this wish.
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(last revision of this bug record was at 2006-09-05 23:08:00 +0100)