PuTTY wish save-mid-session
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summary: Saving session preferences after starting the session
class: wish: This is a request for an enhancement.
difficulty: tricky: Needs many tuits.
priority: medium: This should be fixed one day.
fixed-in: 2004-12-29 (0.58) (0.59) (0.60) (0.61) (0.62) (0.63)
When you adjust the properties of a running session using the
"Change Settings" menu option, it might be nice to be able to save
the adjusted settings back to the saved-session slot you loaded
from, or to a new session slot.
This feature is one of our most requested, but is currently
pending some design work:
If you load an existing saved session exactly "as is", by
double-clicking or by running "
putty @sessionname
" or
whatever, it's reasonably obvious that hitting the Save button in
mid-session should write the changed details back to the same slot
you loaded from.
What if you loaded the session, modified a setting or two, and
then started it? Should a mid-session Save still write back
to the original slot by default? It sounds as if it obviously
should ... but what if the one setting you changed was the
hostname? Suddenly I think it's no longer completely
obvious that you should be conveniently able to overwrite your
previous saved session with the new one.
So the user interface for this feature needs some serious thought;
we have to have a means for working out precisely when it does and
does not make sense to have an automatic
save-to-where-we-loaded-from button available.
SGT, 2004-12-28: Someone - I've sadly forgotten who -
suggested that the simplest possible solution is not to
automatically highlight the session you loaded, or enter its name in
the session name box. Just provide the list and the Load/Save
buttons, so that you can save over an explicitly named session. Then
anyone who modifies the hostname and saves over the original slot
has to do so explicitly and deliberately, ensuring that it's
probably what they meant to do.
Therefore, I've now done this.
Audit trail for this wish.
If you want to comment on this web site, see the
Feedback page.
(last revision of this bug record was at 2004-12-30 09:30:37 +0000)