PuTTY wish command-line
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summary: Better command line options
class: wish: This is a request for an enhancement.
difficulty: tricky: Needs many tuits.
priority: high: This should be fixed in the next release.
fixed-in: 2002-08-10 0.53 (0.54) (0.55) (0.56) (0.57) (0.58) (0.59) (0.60) (0.61) (0.62) (0.63)
The PuTTY tools have a pathetic set of command-line options.
Among the things we should support but don't are:
Unified command-line handling between all the tools, including the
GUI ones. (This is moderately tricky in itself, because we'd have to
split up the single command line received by WinMain() into argc and
argv. Interestingly shell32.dll provides a function called
CommandLineToArgvW() which does this for Unicode strings, but
appears to provide no equivalent for ordinary strings.)
Command-line control of at least SSH protocol, compression,
port forwarding, and public-key authentication. Perhaps more.
As many of these options as possible should be command-line
compatible with OpenSSH's corresponding options. The last thing we
want to do is make life deliberately harder for people.
Audit trail for this wish.
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Feedback page.
(last revision of this bug record was at 2004-11-16 15:27:00 +0000)